
Nutrientes del cannabis

Different kinds of nutrients in the cannabis plants

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nutrients are substances used by an organism to survive and grow, and providing the appropriate ones to the plant will help the development of its genetic potential. The different kinds of nutrients are classified in two large groups: Mobile nutrients: They relocate within the plant depending on...

How to get more yield from your cannabis plants

Most outdoor and indoor growers are always concerned in obtaining a higher yield in their cannabis plants, looking for an increase in the weight, quality and quantity of the bud productions. We should bear in mind that outdoor growing has certain climatic parameters, (humidity, air, temperature,...

Different types of cannabis seeds – Feminized, regular and autoflowering

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Cannabis seeds In this article we will be explaining the differences between feminized, auto flowering and regular cannabis seeds. However, before that we shall explain about the characteristics of the cannabis plant also known as marijuana or cannabis sativa. The cannabis sativa, marihuana or marijuana it is...

Different types of cannabis: Cannabis Sativa, Indica and Rudelaris

The existing strains of cannabis can be classified in three large groups: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Rudelaris. Each of these groups has different aromatic characteristics, provoke specific psychoactive effects and need a certain way of growing. Most of the cannabis genetics that are found in...

How to germinate cannabis seeds – Tutorial

The germination is the first step to obtain a good cannabis plant. For germinate seeds one of the most important things to take in account is to always maintain a good cleaning, in other words before germinating the seeds we must wash our hands properly and...

Cannabinoides solubles en agua

It’s discovered how to make water soluble cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are liposoluble and dissolve in fats. But a Colorado company has developed a water soluble THC and CBD product. In this way it is possible to develop healthier products, which do not imply smoke or fat intake. So far the alternative to consume smoked cannabis was...

Las personas que fuman marihuana tienen más sexo

People who smoke cannabis have more sex

A research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine by Dr. Eisenberg, finds that people who smoke cannabis have more sex. Dr. Michael Eisenberg treats patients with sexual performance problems at the Stanford University Medical Center. To know because of the problem patients should review a...

Tutorial for good cannabis drying

The drying process of cannabis is also closely linked to the curing process, and both are essential to obtain a high quality product. By correctly carrying out these two processes you can increase the smell, taste and potency of your cannabis buds; on the contrary, If...