People who smoke cannabis have more sex
A research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine by Dr. Eisenberg, finds that people who smoke cannabis have more sex.
Dr. Michael Eisenberg treats patients with sexual performance problems at the Stanford University Medical Center. To know because of the problem patients should review a series of frequent activities, including if they smoke marijuana.
According to Dr. Eisenberg, people assume that the more they smoke, the worse they will perform in bed. But the findings surprised him because the opposite has been discovered.
The data analyzed comes from the National Survey of Family Growth of the United States government. They asked more than 28,000 women and about 23,000 men how often they had had sex in the past four weeks. And how often they had smoked cannabis during the past year.
Smoking cannabis increased sex in couples
The result was that women who did not smoke marijuana had had an average sex of six times in the last four weeks. While women who smoked cannabis daily had an average sex of 7.1 times in the same period of time.
As for men, the average sex of those who are not marijuana users was 5.6 during the last four weeks. In contrast men who had smoked daily in the last four weeks, the average was 6.9 meetings sexual
Previous research with rodents and humans has shown that cannabis use can increase arousal, however there are also studies showing that smoking too much marijuana can decrease the amount of sperm.
It must be remembered that the frequent use of marijuana can have other health impacts, irritate the lungs, increase the heart rate, …
Source: CNN
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